UL Prospector



Retinol is commonly known as Vitamin A. Vitamin A refers to a collection of unsaturated organic compounds, one of those being retinol. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that the body uses to maintain healthy skin, teeth, and vision. Retinol works in skin by promoting faster growth rates, thus producing fresher, livelier skin. As an antioxidant, retinol helps protect cells from the dangerous side effects of oxidation. As a part of a healthy skin regimen, some ways of applying retinol is by topical creams, lotions, and gels. These treatments are available over the counter. When used correctly, topical retinol compounds are safe to use and, in most cases, will result in healthier skin.

Skin loses elasticity over the years and gets wrinkles and age spots. There are two different causes for aging skin. The first is intrinsic or chronological aging. Over time, skin loses elasticity and thickness and becomes prone to easy tears and wounds. Skin also loses responsiveness to keratinocytes and fibroblasts, decreasing its ability to reproduce dead cells. Photoaging is the second cause for aging skin, and UV sources and the sun’s rays contribute to this kind of aging.

Retinol for acne unclogs pores, which can allow for other acne treatments to be more effective. Retinol treatments also prevent dead cells from clogging pores, thus reducing outbreaks.


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